The work of Malaurie Auliac, alias Malo A., is a journey into wildlife that she paints in a realistic and naturalistic vein. Like orthodox religious icons, his bestiary seems enshrined in gold, silver or copper that covers the background of most of his paintings, as if to venerate this nature so often mistreated. His work is inspired by traditional Japanese art, notably through Byōbu (wind walls), screens painted on paper
and gold leaf. She is also fond of the decorative art of the 1930s and the works of great animal painters such as Paul Jouve or Gaston Suisse, who, like her, emphasize the aesthetics of the animal with supple and powerful lines.Malo A. expresses himself in a graphic pictorial technique, close to hyperrealism. His art is a subtle blend of ancient know-how applied to a modern creation that gives life to his paintings on wood. This original approach and this sensitivity have developed over the years, numerous trips, meetings, studies and training.

His animals are borrowed from a sweetness, which could be interpreted as melancholy, but whose only intention is to evoke the deepest of every living being. It is an invitation to contemplate them, to dialogue with them. They question us, challenge us, touch us… The golden backgrounds, sometimes reworked with paint, plunge us into a dreamlike world that completes the animal to share its dreams and look, perhaps finally, in the same direction.

Ses animaux sont emprunts d’une douceur, que l’on pourrait interpréter comme de la mélancolie, mais dont la seule intention est d’évoquer le plus profond de chaque être vivant. C’est une invitation à les contempler, à dialoguer avec eux. Ils nous interrogent, nous interpellent, nous touchent… Les fonds dorés, parfois retravaillés à la peinture, nous plongent dans un monde onirique qui complète l’animal pour partager ses rêves et regarder, peut-être enfin, dans la même direction.

  • Name of the exhibition hair and gold
  • Nationality french
  • Exhibition site La Bourse