The Aves Exhibition Team

The Wildlife Pictures Exhibitions Aves are organized by a team of volunteers mainly formed by nature photographers, ornithologists and other picture and nature lovers.

The organizing structure is composed by a core team « Design and organisation », a broader organisazing team and about 60 other volunteers

All these volunteers get support from the person in charge of events inside Natagora association and from other useful expertise of Natagora.

The broader organizing team


Cédric Grégoire

Design and organisation
Graphic designer

Eddy Remy

Design and organisation
Exhibitors contact

Miguel Charlier

Design and organisation

Frédérick Bierlier

Responsable bar et catering

Ludovic Grégoire

Responsable bar et catering

Xavier Desclée

international contacts

Françoise Coune

Competition Management

Etienne Hubin

Educational component


André Monmart

Volunteers manager

Etienne Fontinoy

Logistics support

Christine Brasseur


Serge Sorbi

Serge Sorbi

Design and organisation

Sébastien Krickx


Dorian D'aloisio

Photographer & promotion

Jean-Louis Watelet

Conference and ceremony manager

Julie Septon

Proofreading and volunteer coordination

François Paulus


Floriane Dumont

Web support

The members behind this festival and those who have given their support in recent years:
Serge Sorbi • Henry Brousmiche • Denis Boucquey • José Granville

Our volunteers

For the realization of the exhibitions, a strike force of 60 other volunteers is mobilized with a large number being members of AVES-Namur. They participate in the transport, assembly and dismantling of the equipment (exhibition panels, grids, lighting, bars, decoration, display, etc.) but also in the various permanences on the exhibition sites.

Without them, the great Expos Photos Aves adventure could not take place. May they be thanked here again.