Exhibition sites from previous years
Cap Nord Gallery
Conçu par l’architecte montois Jean Barthélemy, le Centre administratif du Ministère de l’Équipement et des Transports - aujourd'hui intégré au sein du Service public de Wallonie - fut édifié derrière les voies de chemin de fer de la gare de Namur à partir d’octobre 1996 et achevé en juin 1999. L’édifice se singularise non seulement parce qu’il fut le plus grand bâtiment public réalisé jusqu’alors en Wallonie, mais aussi par la précision et le raffinement de sa réalisation ainsi que par la modernité de son image. Offrant une superficie totale de 68.000 m² et pouvant accueillir 950 agents autour d’une rue intérieure (la Galerie du Cap Nord) qui permit de développer un espace interne d’une valeur esthétique manifeste, il réussit le pari d’intégrer une construction d’envergure dans le paysage urbain en tirant parti d’un terrain long et étroit, tout en marquant sa présence – et donc celle de la Région – avec une certaine solennité.
La galerie allie espace, raffinement, modernité et luminosité, autant d’atouts qui nous ont séduit pour y installer les Expos Photos Aves et en faire un de nos sites principaux.
The Hotel de Groesbeeck-de-Croix - Museum of Decorative Arts
The Hotel de Groesbeeck-de-Croix, home to the Museum of Decorative Arts of Namur, is a listed building located near Place Saint-Aubain, built in the 13th century and refurbished in the middle of the 18th century by architect Jean-Baptiste Chermanne. Four flowerbeds of boxwood embroidery surround a piece of water and create a symmetrical perspective in this magnificent French garden.
The Boatmen - Future Archaeological Museum of Namur
Located in the heart of Namur, the future Archaeological Museum of Namur is located on the foundations of the old school of the Boatmen and connected by an impressive glass arch to the old chapel of the Boatmen, a listed building of the 19th century and future reception of museums communal. A large garden is also accessible and complements the new public gardens of Boatmen and Poets.
Sainte-Marie high school
Each year, this high school in Old Namur welcomes our exhibitors in a classical surrounding and a natural superb light.
Saint-Loup church
The St. Ignatius church, dating from the XVIIe century church now called Saint-Loup, is considered one of the finest baroque buildings in Belgium. Its impressive architecture offered an original setting for our exhibitors.
Royal Athenaeum François Bovesse
Since 2011, the Royal Athenaeum François Bovesse offers its covered courtyard and the inner courtyard.
The Royal Theatre of Namur
As another innovation for this year, the Theatre of Namur is opening us its doors.
Appeared in 17th century in our region, the theatrical activities took place on sites occasionally developed for.
In 1822, the Council of Regency decided to start the construction of a building exclusively dedicated to perfoming arts and music. In the wake of the French revolution of 1789, a lot of buidings and religious sites were destroyed. The created space could be reused for new urban facilities such as theatre, kiosks, banks, parks ... Thus, the Theatre of Namur occupied the location of the former Convent of the Annonciades.
The theatre was built in one year and inaugurated in 1824. It's a real precious casket more for the magnificent masterpieces of our exhibitors.
TreM.a • Musée provincial des Arts anciens du Namurois
Situé dans un hôtel patricien du 18e siècle, l’hôtel de Gaiffier d’Hestroy, dont les stucs de la façade sont classés patrimoine exceptionnel de Wallonie, présente des trésors du Moyen Âge et de la Renaissance. Nous vous invitons cette année à découvrir le magnifique jardin clôt situé à l'arrière du bâtiment. Des visites guidées gratuites seront organisées pour découvrir le travail du peintre belge Henri Bles qui a marqué l'histoire de l'art du paysage.
Kiosque Tourisme
Le bâtiment était occupé il y a peut par l'Office du Tourisme de la Ville. Celui-ci est situé à l'entrée du centre ville et en bordure du parc Léopold. Cette espace vert fut construit dans la deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle sur l’emplacement des anciennes fortifications de la ville de Namur. Le tout premier kiosque, accueillait des orchestres jouant les après-midis d’été où se promenaient les Namurois endimanchés.
Notre-Dame d'Harscamp church
The church « Notre Dame d'Harscamp », Saint Nicolas Street, in the center of old Namur, is a church of Rennaissance style, build in 1750. Added to the list of major heritage of Wallonia in1936, it has been deconsecrated in 2004. Today, the church is the cultural centre of Harscamp.
This church is one of the major sites of our exhibitions. After being unavailable for several years due to repair works, we found it back with pleasure in 2012. It offers a lot of space which suits perfectly to enhance masterpieces of our guests.
The Bank, Safe for Culture
The "Comptoir des Ressources Créatives Namur" provides this space located in the city center to host cultural and artistic projects of all kinds. This old bank will be one of the important exhibition sites for this next edition. The building is doomed to disappear in 2022, in favor of a new real estate project, so do not miss the opportunity to enter it one last time.
News 2021
Future Archaeological Museum of Namur
Located in the heart of Namur, the future Archaeological Museum of Namur is located on the foundations of the old school of the Boatmen and connected by an impressive glazed alleyway to the old chapel of the Boatmen, a listed building from the 19th century and future museum reception. communal. A large garden is also accessible and complements the new public gardens of the Boatmen and the Poets.
Belfry's Gallery
As in each year, our event begins in the Belfry's Gallery by the opening of the exhibition of nominees to Aves Emotion'Ailes photographic contest. A hundred pictures, the most beautiful among all those submitted by thousands of photographs, are displayed in the gallery. Access to this exhibition is free during the 3 weeks it's lasting. The gallery is opened from Tuesday to Saterday between 11 to 18h and Sunday between 12 to 18h. Come and see these pictures that draw the attention of the our jury and vote for the public's award.
Place d'Armes
The Place d'Armes site was the political center of the city before being destroyed by german bombing in august 1914 and becoming what it is today. Several buildings hosting municipal authorities followed one another on this square which named then Saint Remy's market.. The last building having been destroyed by german bombing in august 1914 was never been rebuild. The city hall was then been transferred Iron Street where it is now located.
The buildings surrounding the square disappeared a few years after and left place to the Bourse of Commerce first and Inno shop later.
For few years now, the Aves exhibitions adorn the Inno's façade with monumental pictures to celebrate the Quinzaine of Nature in which our event is occurring.
This year, Place d'Armes will see the exhibitions in a huge tent which will also welcome the Natagora village.