Overall winner
Machine qui rêve ©Antoine Dusart
Pigeon ramier (Columba palumbus) - Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, France
The winner is rewarded with a € 1,500 voucher offered by Canon and Photogalerie.com and a one-year subscription to Terre Sauvage magazine
The Prize “Pure Wild”
The fiest ©Mateusz Piesiak
Pinson du Nord (Fringilla montifringilla) Wroclaw, Pologne
The winner is rewarded with a voucher worth € 500 offered by the Expos Photos Aves at Photogalerie.com
1st prize in category « Birds in all its states »
Snipe in silence ©Mateusz Piesiak
Bécassines des marais (Gallinago gallinago) Wroclaw, Pologne
The winner is awarded with a voucher of € 500 offered by Canon and Photogalerie.com
1st prize in the Action category
Dangerous crossing ©Emelin Dupieux
Cincle plongeur (Cinclus cinclus) Ardèche, France
The winner is rewarded with a € 400 voucher offered by Photogalerie.com and a one-year subscription to Terre Sauvage magazine
1st prize in category "Black and white"
Landing of Nutcracker © Klaus Theiler
Speckled nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes) Sofia, Bulgaria
The winner is awarded a voucher worth € 400 offered by Photogalerie.com
1st price category Light and atmosphere
Seigneur des brumes ©Elodie Imbert
Aigle royal (Aquila chrisaetos) Vallée du Giffre, Haute-Savoie, France
The winner is rewarded with a voucher worth € 400 offered by Photogalerie.com and a one-year subscription to Terre Sauvage magazine.
1st prize in artistic category
Ghosts ©Mateusz Piesiak
Mouettes rieuses (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) Barycz Valley, Pologne
The winner is rewarded with a voucher worth € 400 offered by Photogalerie.com and the Aves Photos Expos.
1st prize category "Birds photographed in Belgium"
Pleine lune ©Pieter-Jan D'Hondt
Chevêchette d’Europe (Glaucidium passerinum)
The winner is awarded with a voucher of € 500 offered by Canon and Photogalerie.com
1st prize in "Z'autres Z'ailes" category
En attendant le coucher de soleil ©David Greyo
Petit paon de nuit (Saturnia pavonia) Suisse
The winner is rewarded with a voucher of 500 € offered by Canon and Photogalerie.com.
1st prize category Theme of the year: RED
Mésange huppée d’hiver ©Jorge Ruiz del Olmo
Mésange huppée (Parus cristatus) Pyrénées, Espagne
The winner is rewarded with a voucher of € 400 offered by Photogalerie.com
1st prize in young category
Architecture ©Louis Verheye
Faucon crécerelle (Falco Tinnunculus) Arcizans-Avant, France
The winner is rewarded with a € 400 voucher offered by Photogalerie.com and a one-year subscription to Terre Sauvage magazine
1st prize in "documentary" categorie
Huddle ©Gunther Riehle
Manchots empereurs (Aptenodytes forsteri) Antarctique
The winner is rewarded with a voucher offered by Photogalerie.com valued at € 400
Special Prize "Maurice Tichon"
Toilette matinale ©Eric Dropsy
Bécassine des marais (Gallinago gallinago) Tintigny, Belgique
The winner is rewarded with a voucher worth € 250 from Monsieur Optique, one year of subscription to the AVES magazine offered by the AVES-Namur committee and one year of subscription to the Terre Sauvage magazine
Public prize
L'élégante ©Jean Picard
Aigrette garzette (Egretta Garzetta) Val de Loire, France
The winner is rewarded with a voucher worth € 1,000 offered by Canon and Photogalerie.com and a one-year subscription to Terre Sauvage magazine.